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Will Technical Documentation Ever Rule the World?

Is it Time to Stay or Leave the job?

What is Job Satisfaction?

Job satisfaction means you feelings or state-of-mind in the types of work you do. Job satisfaction depends on the many factors like, the relationship with your boss, the office environment, relationship with your co-workers and the company value. The most important factors now a day everybody looking is, how much pay you are getting.


Have you lost the feeling of love to your job or company?

Sometimes You survived the layoffs, reorganizations and other company changes. You may be stressed out, fed up and ready to go for other opportunities.
On the other hand, the economy does not have any constancy graph. The exports aren’t sure, when there will be a recovery or recession.
So, should I stay or leave? Before you making that critical decision on your career, take a deep breath, evaluate your situation and do a cost benefit analysis.

First, consider the reasons to stay

  • Relationships is most important than money.

You may be thinking that you will find a job that will pay you more. But you will be leaving behind a treasure of relationships. When evaluating your options, don’t forget the value of the network, the friends and professional colleagues you have now.

  • You are doing well compared to others.

Research shows that many people under estimate their skills and talent and overestimate others. Take the time to do a truthful assessment of what you have to offer. Find out the its value in the market.

  • The grass is not always greener.

People, who are worried to get out of a job, tend to see potential opportunities only outside their company. They eagerly take a new job and then realize they’ve gone from a bad stage to very worst stage.

 Now consider the reasons to leave

  • Your relationship with your boss is not good and its beyond repair.

You have tried to repair it but you’re getting obstructed. He may be a bump but he is the boss and in a power, you will probably lose.

  •  Your values are not matching with the culture.

For example, your company is ranked among the top ten companies and you want more effect over your job. It’s very difficulty for one person to change a culture unless he’s the CEO of the company.

  •   Your stress level is way off the charts. 

It’s affecting your physical, mental health and your relationships with family . You’re burnt out, burnt up and dread going to work.

So what will it be – stay or leave?

Carefully look at the reasons to stay and the reasons to leave. Which is benefit for your personal and career satisfaction? What will provide you benefit today? What about tomorrow?

I will suggest:  Have a good Boss in a bad company, rather than a bad Boss in a good company.


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