What is Job Satisfaction? Job satisfaction means you feelings or state-of-mind in the types of work you do. Job satisfaction depends on the many factors like, the relationship with your boss, the office environment, relationship with your co-workers and the company value. The most important factors now a day everybody looking is, how much pay you are getting. Have you lost the feeling of love to your job or company? Sometimes You survived the layoffs, reorganizations and other company changes. You may be stressed out, fed up and ready to go for other opportunities. On the other hand, the economy does not have any constancy graph. The exports aren’t sure, when there will be a recovery or recession. So, should I stay or leave? Before you making that critical decision on your career, take a deep breath, evaluate your situation and do a cost benefit analysis. First, consider the reasons to stay Relationships is most important than money. You may be...
Technical Documentation refers document the technical information. Which describes, how to operate, handling and maintaining a technical product or a product under development. Content Writing is a key skill to create technical manual. Find the best technical documentation standards,technical documentation examples,handbook of technical writing,writing technical documentation,technical writing style guide.